Wednesday, January 9, 2008


“Technology must serve pedagogy, not the other way around.”
(EduCon 2.0)

I often see reference to “pedagogy” in Classroom 2.0 discussions and the critical idea that embedding Web 2.0 technology is changing how we teach. (Clarence Fisher, K-12 Online). I love the word pedagogy. It is an old word for an enormous concept - the art or science of teaching. What concepts are considered “pedagogy?” I have a list rumbling around my brain:

functioning, paying attention, risk taking;
equity, personalization, collaboration, engagement;
utilization, movement, reflection, pain,
thinking, feeling, willing;
relevance, connectivism;
foundation building, scaffolding;

Where do I begin? I am interested in reform in education because I watch too many learners that are not engaged by the present system. Reform in education will not happen by doing the same things and simply changing the medium - to the internet. Change will come by changing the principles – the pedagogy.

Are teacher training programs preparing the next generation of teachers to do this? The traditional teacher has spent 16+ years in school - old school. Then in our own classes, we model our teachers, caring and inspiring yet - traditional.

It is difficult to be guided by a pedagogy that one has not experienced. It may feel like turning one's experiences upside-down or inside out. It certainly requires imagination and reflection.


Jeff said...


Real change will only come from Pedagogy. That's the level we need to get too. How do we get there? How do we help/teach others that this is the level where real change is going to happen?

Great Post!

Chris Eldred said...

Yes! I'm right there with you, but I'm unsure where to find resources to learn about new pedagogies to use in my learning environment... I've been trying to foster more communication and collaboration online, but I know there has to be more out there. Where?